42. Margaret3 Linn (James A.2, Andrew1)(489) was born 1834. Margaret died December 1887 at 53 years of age.
She married Samuel Mortimer 1858.(490) Samuel was born in England May 9, 1833.(491) Samuel(492) was the son of William Mortimer and Susanna Wakely. Samuel died March 20, 1904 at 70 years of age. His body was interred March 1904 in Beech Creek, PA, Hays-Fearon.(493) Samuel Mortimer is listed as settling his family in Beech Creek during the 1850s (00853:112). Apparently, he continued to live in the area for some time as Mr. Lingle noted that he and his second wife also lived in Beech Creek; he and Sarah married in the late 1880s. Samuel was a member of Company K, 42nd regiment (Buck Tails P.R.V.C.) (01775:#17). A G.A.R. star is next to his grave dated 1861-1865 (01775:#16).
__________________________Further Research Required According to source 00838:67, Samuel, Margaret and family lived in Kansas (Kaiser?) from 1872 to 1882. Is the place name Kansas (as in the state), or Kaiser, or some other variant? Sources 00838:23, 00838:67 and 00947:1 indicate that he died March 20, 1904 while another source that this writer came across, but can't locate now, indicates June 30, 1904. According to the inscription on his tombstone, 01775:#17, he died March 20, 1904.
She was listed as a resident in the census report in Bald Eagle, Clinton Co., PA, 1840.(494) Additional census information: 1840 lists her as age group 5-10 (01431).
Margaret Linn and Samuel Mortimer had the following children:
Joseph4 Mortimer(495).
Susanna Mortimer(496). She married John Zerby.(497)
(Additional notes for John Zerby(498))
__________________________Further Research Required
There is a question as to the proper spelling of his surname. Is it Zerby, Zerbee, or Zkurbee, or some other variant? (See 00947:1,
01409:13, & 00838)
Tacie Edith Mortimer(499). She married John Powers.(500)
(Additional notes for John Powers(501))
Samuel E. Mortimer(502) was born June
1873. He married Deidamic ?? Lingle.(503) (Additional notes for Deidamic ?? Lingle(504)) __________________________Further Research Required
There is a question as to her given name. Is it really Deidamic? (00838:67 & 01409:13).
Cora E. Mortimer(505) was born May
1875. She married Oliver Bitner December 25, 1895.(506) Oliver was born circa 1874. Oliver(507) was the son of Nathan Bitner and Emeline Unknown.
Both Cora and Oliver hailed from Beech Creek at the time of their wedding (10409:13). After his marriage in 1890, Cora Bitner had Charles
Darrah come to Lock Haven to pick up a chest and a pair of goose down pillows that had been his mothers (01409:14).
__________________________For Additional Information
See the Marriage Records vol. 6, #2167 at the Ross Library, Lock Haven, PA (01409:14)
See the Biographical Records of Central PA, p. 678. __________________________Further Research Required
Source 00838:67 indicates that his surname was Bitner; however, source 01409:13 indicates that his surname was Royer, son of Nathan and
Emeline Bitner. What is the reason for this discrepancy?
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