1. Andrew1 Linn Sr.(1) was born in Cumber Parish, Derry Co., Ireland August 6, 1768.(2) Andrew died March 2, 1853 in Liberty Township, Centre Co., PA, at 84 years of age.(3) His body was interred March 1853 in Beech Creek, PA, Hays-Fearon.(4)
He married Martha Poke in Ireland, February 4, 1792.(5) Martha was born in Cumber Parish, Derry Co., Ireland June 13, 1770.(6) (Additional notes for Martha Poke(7)) Martha died March 9, 1857 in Beech Creek, PA, at 86 years of age.(8) Her body was interred March 1857 in Beech Creek, PA, Hays-Fearon.(9) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Howard Township, Centre Co., PA, 1840.(10) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co., PA, 1850.(11) ________________________Additional census information 1840 lists her as age group 60-70 (01429). 1850 lists Martha as age 79, born in Ireland (01424). __________________________CERTIFICATE OF MARTHA LINN _______________________________(Source 00838:4) "Andrew Linn was the name of my husband, resident of the County of Derry, Cumber Parish, Ireland. My husband resided in the same place until we were married, immigrated to the U. S. three months after our marriage, which was in the year 1792. Settled in Bald Eagle Valley some 56 years, died on the --- of March, 1853, being eighty-four years and seven months old, was buried in the graveyard (See below) situate in Beech Creek Township, Clinton County, Pennsylvania. His occupation, a farmer." Signed by the sign of Martha Linn. (This document was transcribed from the original copy found in the filing box marked "Old Papers. Register's Office, Centre County Court House," March 14, 1934. In presence of C. Bolinger. The old Hays cemetery is situated between the borough (Beech Creek Borough) and the old railroad station, three fourths of a mile from the former. It was originally the Hays family burying ground to which an addition was made by John L. Fearon (Center and Clinton Counties by John Blair Brown page 582). The correct name for the cemetery is Hays-Fearon (00848: #13) and the Linn surname appears on the second most number of markers (00853:16). ____________________________Questions and Comments The question as to Martha's year of birth has conflicting and uncertain answers. According to "Cemetery Inscriptions - Deaths, Marriages, Lycoming, Clinton and N. Centre Penn. Counties," Martha Linn was born 12 June Circa 1770. The tombstone (00848: #9) is unclear on the final digit; it could be either a 9 or maybe a 0. Census records would indicate 1771. It is possible that her maiden name was Polk. Mr. Lingle believes that she may very well have been related to the family of President James Polk. However, it must be noted that this possiblity has not been documented.
Andrew, with his wife Martha Poke, immigrated, May 1792. Destination: United States.(12) Andrew's occupation: Farmer. He was listed as a resident in the census report in Howard Township, Centre Co., PA, 1840.(13) He was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co., PA, 1850.(14) ________________________Additional Census Information 1830, in Howard Township, Center Co., PA. lists Andrew as age group 70-80, and lists 1 free white male age 20-30, 1 free white female age 5-10, and 1 free white female age 20-30; in addition, the surname is spelled Lynn (01428). 1840 lists Andrew in age group 70-80, and lists a free white female between the age of 15-20 (01429). 1850 lists Andrew as age 81, born in Ireland (01424). In the Lingles' book the note "Among our first settlers who carried the farming tradition from generation to generation were the Fearons, Hayses, Davids, Packers, Williamses, DeHaases, Millers,McCloskeys and Crispens. Shortly thereafter, in about this order, came the Bitners, Linns ..." and so on. (00853:57) Book 149, Page 43 - Centre Township List of Inhabitants 1810. Andrew Linn 2 horses, 2 cows, 300 Acres. Book 151, Page 2 - Howard Township Inhabitants 1811. Andrew Linn 200 Acres, 2 horses, 2 cows. Book 151, Page 6 - Assessment List Howard Township. 200 Acres, 2 horses, 1 cow, 1 yoke oxen. (00838:4) ____________________________Additional Assessments _________________________________(00838:7 & 8) 1803 - First assessed in Centre Township 1829 - Howard Township, Clinton County 1830 - Howard Township, Clinton County 1831 - Howard Township, Clinton County 1831 - Bald Eagle Township, Centre County listed: 10 acres 1832 - Howard Township, Clinton County 1833 - Howard Township, Clinton County 1834 - Howard Township, Clinton County 1835 - Howard Township, Clinton County 1836 - Howard Township, Clinton County 1836 - Bald Eagle Township, Centre County listed: 100 additional acres 1846 - Howard Township, Clinton County 1848 - Liberty Township, not listed which is likely an omission 1849 - Liberty Township, Andrew listed: farmer. ____________________________WILL OF ANDREW LINN SR. ______________________________(Source 00838:1-3) The last will and testament of Andrew Linn Sr. of Baldeagle Township in the County of Centre. I, Andrew Linn Sr. considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and memory do write and publish this my last will and testament, in manner and form following. First I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter, Mary Waggoner, the sum of Fifty dollars to be paid one year after my death. Second I have and bequeath unto my next eldest daughter Elizabeth McKee (probably McGhee) the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, to be paid on year after my death. Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my eldest son, Thomas Linn, the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid one year after that. Fourth, I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Margaret McKinny (surname hard to read, below it is listed as McKinsey) fifty dollars to be paid one year after that. Fifth, I give and bequeath unto my next eldest son Andrew Linn Jr. the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid one year after that. Sixth, I give and bequeath unto my son James Linn the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid one year after that. Seventh, I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Linn the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid one year after that. Eighth, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Martha Crispen, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid one year after that. And lastly unto the rest, residue and remainder of my personal estate --- Chattles, [possibly and probably reads "personal estate, goods and Chattles,"] of what kind and nature soever, I give and bequeath the same to my beloved wife, Martha Linn, until her death, after which, is to be divided equally among my four sons, Thomas, Andrew, James and Joseph Linn. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this [blank] day of [blank] one thousand eight hundred and forty three. [Last number is unreadable so the "three" is in question and day and month are not entered.] _____________________________________Witnesses: Cline Quigley & John T. Harvey _____________________________________(To Will and Probate) Just a note: Since he died March 2, 1853 there has apparently been an error in the retyping of this document. On the original copy, the day, month and year are unreadable or perhaps blank. However, the will was signed on April 6, 1853 by the county register for the probate of wills. Sources 00838 and 00849 both contain a typewritten copy of this will with slight variations. Also, parenthetical thoughts are those of Brian J. Linn and are not contained in the original document. Incidentally, Cline Quigley was one of the original officers when Beech Creek Township was formed in 1850 (00853:7). (See 00838:4) Book 16, pp. 89 & 90 in the Bellefonte Library, Bellefonte, PA has the following. WILL OF ANDREW LINN, 1843 Wife, Martha Children: Mary Waggoner, Elizabeth McGee, Thomas, Margaret McKinsey, Andrew, Jr., James, Joseph, Martha Cripsen. Perhaps the 1843 date here answers the question in the above paragraph regarding when the will was written. Book 119, page 46 has the following. Register of Deaths, Centre County Court House (Bellefonte, PA) 14 Andrew Linn Died: Liberty Township Age: 84 years, 7 months Place of Birth: Ireland (Co. of Derry, Cumber Parish, Ireland) Name of widow: Martha Linn Date of birth & death: B. 1768 D. March 1853 Place of death: Liberty Township Place of Burial: Beech Creek Returned by: Martha Linn, Liberty Township Date of Certificate: April 4, 1853 Apparently, several families who descended from Andrew and Martha Linn changed their name to Lynn. This is suggested by Harry Lingle and deserves some research to determine how many, if any, Linns did indeed modify their surname. (00853:81) The Linn family has lived continuously in Beech Creek from 1834 until the writing of Mr. Lingle's history of the area in 1981; in 1880 there were eight Linn families and in 1981 there is only one (00853: p.106). It should be noted, however, that Mr. Lingle is only referencing Beech Creek proper, not the surrounding area. Per Martha Linn's documentation (below) and conversations between Brian Linn and Jim Linn (00764) it can be safely concluded that individuals carrying the Linn surname have lived in or around Beech Creek from 1792 until 1992. How long the surname will be present and or direct descendants (without the surname) will live in the area is uncertain. While it is impossible to know for how long Linn descendants will live in or around Beech Creek, it is clear that the farmland once owned by Andrew Linn, Sr. will remain; therefore, its owners both before and after are included here for the interested reader. ________________________A History of the Glossner Farm _____________________________(Source 01200:3 & 4) In 1784 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania sold to Charles Evans, a lumber merchant in Philadelphia, 64 tracts, a total of 26594 acres in Central Pennsylvania. One of these tracts named Sugar Store, a total of 401 acres and 157 perches was three miles from the mouth of Beech Creek on the west side. Deed book D, page 297 Center County Courthouse. On May 4, 1812 the tract named Sugar Store passed to Cadwallader Evans. Deed Book D, page 298. In 1815 a total of 131 acres and 98 perches was sold to Andrew Linn for $525.45. This land was already occupied by Andrew Linn. Deed Book H, page 454. On December 27, 1831 the balance of the tract named Sugar Store, 270 acres and 59 perches, was sold to John Bitner for $200.00, Deed Book I, page 172. On March 6, 1856 to settle the estate of Andrew Linn, his tract was sold to Andrew Linn Jr. (in Illinois) for $1,462.78 Mortgage Book D, page 525. (Thomas Linn, Kendall County, Ill. Administrator) On September 5, 1856 it was sold to Jonathan De Long Sr. Deed Book A, page 388. On November 4, 1865 to settle the estate of Jonathan DeLong Sr. it was sold to Herman (Harmon) Robb for $1,525.00 Deed Book A page 388. On April 13, 1891 Harmon Robb sold 52 acres 96 perches to his daughter Mary M. Robb Wensel for $600.00. This was the part with the farm buildings and house on, Deed Book 65 page22. The balance of the Harmon Robb farm passed to his son, Christian Robb. On March 28, 1892 Mary M. Wensel sold her tract to Harry G. Glossner for $1,000.00 Deed Book 68 page 326. On March 10, 1894, due to an error in the first deed, a new deed was written and a survey of the farm included. Deed book 73 page 285. After the death fo Harry G. Glossner August 28, 1946, the farm was purchased in 1947 by his grandson Harry G. Glossner and his wife Vivian Moore Glossner. At the same time 33 acres and 6 perches that had been owned by Sanford E. Glossner, father of Harry II was sold to Harry and Vivian Glossner. Sanford E. Glossner had purchased this tract from Charles Graham on March 13, 1920 Deed Book 123 page 277. This 33 acres was part of a larger tract given to Capt. Conrad Boocher, in the officer survey of 1769, who sold it to John Philip and Eleanor DeHass. The Boocher tract contained 570 acres. On the 15th of April 1793 DeHass sold his tract to Christian Bechdel for 783 pounds and 15 shillings. Christian Bechdel was an ancestor of the Harry Glossner's. Editor's Note: A perch is equal to an area 16.5 feet square (272.25 sq ft) and there are 160 perches to the acre (source 01295). ________________________________End of History ABOUT THE ANDREW LINN FARM - source 01200, page 2 is a rough map of what is likely the whole Sugar Store tract (at routes 471 & 496). On it is noted the now (1992) three sections which comprised the original farm of Andrew Linn, which are owned by Harry Glossner, Steve Hendricks, and David Russo. Also, the locations of present buildings and Andrew Linn's buildings are marked. Source 01200, page 1 indicates that this historical information was written up when Harry Glossner was tracing the family history to obtain a century farm certificate. Source 01769 is most interesting. The artifact clearly demonstrates the presence of fired stoneware. The sample is too small to ascertain exactly what it was; however, it appears that the piece came from a plate, if Brian's powers of visual extrapolation are accurate. Without any scientific examination, perhaps even with it, few if any conclusions can be drawn from this arifact regarding the lives of the Linns. ________________________Further Research Required History of Centre & Clinton Counties, by John Blair Linn, p. 48 listed Andrew Linn as an inhabitant of Howard Twp., Centre Co., PA in 1810 [Note above the referenced 1810 list of Centre Twp Inhabitants, which lists Andrew]. The 1810 census lists Andrew as living in Howard Twp. 1820 census of Howard Twp. lists his family as 1 male (10-16), 1 male (16-18), 2 males (16-26) [note category duplication ages 16-18], 1 male 45 or over (Andrew), 1 female (10-16), 2 or 1 female(s) (16-26), 1 female 45 or over (Martha). (01409:4)
Andrew Linn Sr. and Martha Poke had the following children:
Margaret2 Linn(15). She married Mr. William McKinney.(16) (Additional notes for Mr. William McKinney(17)) According the research of Mr. Harry Lingle (00838), no records of children
exist for Margaret and her husband Mr. McKinney. __________________________Further Research Required Sources 00947 and 01409, written by Mr.
Johnstonbaugh, spell the last name McKinsey; however, the preponderance of the evidence favors McKinney.
Mary Linn was born before 1796.
Elizabeth Linn was born circa 1796.
Thomas Linn was born March 1798.
Andrew Linn Jr. was born June 17, 1802.
James A. Linn was born June 8, 1804.
Joseph Britton Linn was born July 17, 1806.
Martha Catharine Linn was born circa 1808.
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