5. Thomas2 Linn (Andrew1)(33) was born in Clinton Co., PA March 1798.(34) Thomas died August 15, 1885 in Charlotte, Livingston Co., ILL, at 87 years of age.(35) His body was interred August 1885 in Chatsworth, Livingston Co., ILL, Chatsworth.(36)
He married Rachel Leyman circa 1824.(37) Rachel was born in Centre Co., PA October 1803.(38) Rachel(39) was the daughter of Michael Leyman and Rachel Unknown. Rachel died November 27, 1883 in Chatsworth, Livingston Co., ILL, at 80 years of age.(40) Her body was interred November 29, 1883 in Chatsworth, Livingston Co., ILL, Chatsworth.(41) Rachel's occupation: Keeping House. Rachel's occupation: Housewife.(42) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Bald Eagle, Clinton Co., PA, 1840.(43) She resided in Jefferson Co., ILL May 1856.(44) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Lisbon, Kendall Co., IL, June 19, 1860.(45) Rachel, as Thomas Linn's wife, resided with him in Chatsworth, Livingston Co., ILL 1874.(46) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Chatsworth, Livingston Co., ILL, June 21, 1880.(47) Her parents were born in PA according to the 1880 Livingston Co., ILL census (01418). ________________________Additional Census Information 1830 lists here as a free white female, age 20-30 (01430). 1840 age group 30-40 (01416). August 8, 1850, in Liberty Township, Center Co., PA Age 46 (01419). 1860 age 56 (01417). August 29, 1870, in Lisbon, Kendall Co., ILL Age 67. Note that her last name is spelled Lynn. Occupation: keeps house (reel 239, page 388). 1880 age 77, she is listed as wife of head of household and lists her occupation as keeping house (01418). __________________________Further Research Required The same problem exists for Rachel as for Thomas. The age from one census to another varies and is not consistent with the enumeration dates.
Thomas's occupation: lumbering in Pennslyvania, circa 1820.(48) He was listed as a resident in the census report in Bald Eagle, Clinton Co., PA, 1840.(49) He resided in Kendall Co., Illinois 1856.(50) He was listed as a resident in the census report in Lisbon, Kendall Co., IL, June 19, 1860.(51) He bought property in Chicago, Cook Co., ILL, which was located in Livingston County, April 30, 1869.(52) He bought property in Chicago, Cook Co., ILL, which as located in Livingston County, April 30, 1870.(53) He and Rachel resided in Chatsworth, Livingston Co., ILL 1874.(54) He was listed as a resident in the census report in Chatsworth, Livingston Co., ILL, June 21, 1880.(55) ________________________Additional census information: 1830 age group 30-40, also: 1 male under 5, 1 male age 10-15, 1 male age 20-30 [see further research], 1 female under 5, 1 female age 20-30. Note that the surname is spelled Lynn and that each is listed as a free white. (01430) 1840 age group 40-50, also: 3 males age 5-10, 1 male age 10-15, 2 females under 5, 1 female age 10-15 (source 01416). August 8, 1850, in Liberty Township, Center Co., PA Age 52 [see further research] Occupation: Farmer (01419). 1860 Dwelling 1080, family 1027, age 63, value of real estate $1000 and personal property $435 (source 01417). August 27, 1870, in Lisbon, Kendall Co., ILL Age 73. Note that the last name spelled Lynn. Occupation: farmer (reel 239, page 388). 1880 age 83, he is listed as head of household and lists his occupation as none. Thomas and Rachel are listed as a new family to Beech Creek between 1820 and 1830 and moved, with several other families, to Liberty township in 1827 (00853:108). It is uncertain (by Brian Linn) if either or both were residents of Beech Creek prior to their marrige in the mid-1820s. From the Lingle file (00838:10) Thomas was assessed in Howard Township for the years 1819 through 1824 as a single man. From 1825 through 1828, he was on the married list. Before the end of 1828 he had left the township and was living in Bald Eagle Township. In 1850 he was in Liberty Township. ____________________________Additional Assessments ________________________________(00838:7 & 8) 1824 - Howard Township, Centre County listed: Single list but marked _____________married 1825 - Howard Township, Centre County listed: Married list 1828 - Howard Township, Centre County listed: Removed 1828 - Bald Eagle Township, Centre County listed: 1 cow & 1 ox 1829 - Bald Eagle Township, Centre County listed: 400 acres 1831 - Bald Eagle Township, Centre County listed: land transferred to _____________Michael Quigley and Joseph McCormick. 1833 - Bald Eagle Township, Centre County listed: 50 acres 1846 - Howard Township, Centre County listed: nothing specific 1848 - Liberty Township, not listed probably by omission 1849 - Liberty Township, Assessed, specifics not listed ___________________________Further Research Required The 1830 census lists a male between the age of 20-30 and it would be nice to know the name of this man and what, if any, relation he had to Thomas (01430). The August 8, 1850 census lists him as age 52 which is inconsistent with the 1860 census (source 01417) listing him as 63 and the 1880 census recording his age 83. Being off a year is not unusual considering that the census was not always taken at the same time during the year; however, in 1860 and 1880, the census was taken in June with the 1880 census requesting age prior to June 1. If his birthday was in July, then an August census would likely record his age as 1 year older than a June census, but not the other way around! In addition, the 1850 census lists two children as part of the Thomas Linn family by the name of Sarah F. Montgomery age 3 years and Rachel Montgomery age 2/12 year, both born in Pennsylvania (see note below regarding Jennie Montgomery on the 1880 census) (01419). Source 00836:3 indicates that the younger child was a boy named Robert, but that is in contrast to the census record. The 1860 census lists two people in the family of Thomas and Rachel whose relationship to the family is uncertain: Emma Linn age 4 and John Athanbaugh age 54, both born in Pennsylvania (01417). The 1870 census again lists Emma Linn, age 13, born in Illinois, occupation is attends school. Again the quirk of age being off by 1 year between the 1860 and 1870 census. (01420) The 1880 census lists a domestic servant by the name of Anna Linn as living with Thomas and Rachel. Her place of birth and that of her parents is listed as Ireland. It would be very nice to know her relation to Thomas. Another person whose exact relationship must be determined is that of then 29 year old Jennie Montgomery, a granddaughter of Thomas and Rachel. Jennie and her parents were born in Pennsylvania. Which child of Thomas and Rachel is the parent of Jennie Montgomery? (01418)
Thomas Linn and Rachel Leyman had the following children:
William M.3 Linn(56) was born June 12, 1824.(57) William died June 26, 1831 at 7 years of age.(58) His body was interred After June 26, 1831 in Beech Creek, PA, Hays-Fearon.(59) He was listed as a resident in the census report in
Bald Eagle, Clinton Co., PA, 1830.(60) Additional
census information. The 1830 census lists William as a free white male, age 5-10 (01430). William is buried in the Hays-Fearon Cemetery,
which was in Centre County at the time of his death (00846 & 00848: #3). ________________________Resolved Conflict
The source 00947 notes that death date is 1832 and that his middle initial is M. Source 00848: #3 clearly states that he was age 7 at
death but the number of days is difficult to make out. Source 01409:6 indicates the number of days to be 14. This writer believes that the
author of source 01409 obtained the correct number of days because the cemetery visit (00846) was conducted on a very hot day (making it
unfavorable to spend much time milling about the stone attempting to decipher the number of days) and the proper tools for "lifting" the
date were unavailable.
Mary Linn(61) was born in PA.
1826. She was listed as a resident in the census report in Bald Eagle, Clinton Co., PA, 1840.(62) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty
Township, Centre Co., PA, August 8, 1850.(63)
__________________Additional Census Information
1830 lists her a free white female, under 5 yrs (01430).
1840 lists her in age group 10-15 (01416).
1850 lists her age age 24 (01419).
Joseph A. Linn was born March 6, 1828.
John C. Linn was born June 12, 1830.
William F. Linn(64) was born in
PA..(65) William's occupation: Farmer.
He was listed as a resident in the census report in Bald Eagle, Clinton Co., PA, 1840.(66) He was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co.,
PA, August 8, 1850.(67) Additional census
information: 1840 lists him in age group 5-10 (01416). 1850 lists him as age 18 (01419). ____________________Further Research Required
The June 19, 1860 census, dwelling 1075, family 1017, has the following information. Linn, W.T. age 27, Farmer, real estate valued at
$2000 and personal property at $390, born in Pennsylvania. Mary age 34, born in Pennsylvania. Ida age 2, born in Illinois. Anna age 1,
born in Illinois. (01417)
The August 29, 1870 census, dwelling 23, family 21, has the following information. Linn, W.T. age 37, Farmer, real estate valued at $4000
and personal property $1000, born in Illinois. Mary age 34, keeps house, born in Illinois. Frank age 9, born in Pennsylvania. Albert age
4, born in Ohio. (01420)
It is unclear if the two families listed immediately above are one in the same because there are a number of inconsistencies. It is also
hard to determine whether or not W.T. is the same person as William F. Linn. One glaring problem is that the age of Mary is the same for
both census. It is also interesting to note that William F. did have a sister, older by 6 years, by the name of Mary.
James Harr Linn was born December 3, 1834.
Sarah H. Linn(68) was born in unk Co.,
PA.(69) She was listed as a resident in the
census report in Bald Eagle, Clinton Co., PA, 1840.(70) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co.,
PA, August 8, 1850.(71) She was listed as a
resident in the census report in Lisbon, Kendall Co., IL, June 19, 1860.(72) __________________Additional Census Information 1840 lists her age group as under 5 (01416).
1850 lists her as age 13, born in Pennsylvania (01419). 1860 lists her as age 23, born in Pennsylvania (01417).
Martha M. Linn(73) was born in PA
August 1839. Martha died September 15, 1840 at 1 year of age.(74) Her body was interred After September 1840 in Beech Creek, Clinton Co. Pa.,
Hays-Fearon.(75) Martha is buried in the Hays-Fearon
cemetery, which was in Centre County at the time of her death in 1840 (00846). She died at the age of 1 year and 1 month according to the
inscription on her tombstone (00848: #4).
George W. Linn(76) was born in PA
October 20, 1841.(77) George died December 19, 1850
at 9 years of age.(78) His body was interred After
Decmeber 19, 1850 in Beech Creek, Clinton Co. PA, Hays-Fearon.(79) He was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co.,
PA, August 8, 1850.(80) George is buried in the
Hays-Fearon Cemetery (00846). His tombstone lists him as age 9 years, 1 month and 29 days upon his death (00848: #5). The 1850 census lists
him as age 9, born in Pennsylvania (01419).
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