6. Andrew2 Linn Jr. (Andrew1)(81) was born in Beech Creek, Howard Township, Centre Co., PA June 17, 1802.(82) Andrew died August 17, 1887 in Pavilion, Kendall Twp, Kendall Co., ILL, at 85 years of age.(83) His body was interred August 19, 1887 in Plattville, Kendall Co., IL.(84)
He married Barbara Leathers in PA, April 6, 1830.(85) Barbara was born in Pennsylvania April 23, 1811.(86) Barbara(87) was the daughter of Jacob Leathers Jr. and Elizabeth Houser. Barbara died November 12, 1862 in Plattville, Kendall Co., IL, at 51 years of age. Her body was interred November 1862 in Plattville, Kendall Co., IL.(88) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co., PA, August 7, 1850.(89) ________________________Additional Census Information ________________________________(Source 01424) 1840 lists Barbara as a free white female, age 20-30 years (01429). 1850 lists Barbara as age 39, born in Pennsylvania (01424).
He was listed as a resident in the census report in Howard Township, Centre Co., PA, 1840.(90) He was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co., PA, August 7, 1850.(91) He resided in Jefferson Co., ILL Circa 1854.(92) Andrew registered to pay taxes in Kendall Co., IL, April 13, 1885.(93) Andrew registered to pay taxes in Na-Au-Say Twp, Kendall Co., ILL, April 23, 1887.(94) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Kendall Co., IL, August 1887.(95) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Kendall Co., IL, September 26, 1887.(96) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Kendall Co., IL, September 26, 1887.(97) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Kendall Co., IL, September 26, 1887.(98) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Yorkville, Kendall Co., IL, December 2, 1887.(99) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Kendall Co., IL, December 5, 1887.(100) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Kendall Co., IL, December 1887.(101) Andrew registered to pay taxes in Na-Au-Say Twp, Kendall Co., ILL, May 21, 1888.(102) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Kendall Co., IL, November 10, 1888.(103) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Kendall Co., IL, November 10, 1888.(104) Andrew registered to pay taxes in Na-Au-Say Twp, Kendall Co., ILL, April 2, 1889.(105) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Kendall Co., IL, May 30, 1889.(106) Upon Andrew's death, his estate was administered in Kendall Co., IL, October 12, 1889.(107) He left property to be administered by Margarette "Maggie" Jackson in Kendall Co., IL, August 7, 1897.(108)
________________________Additional Census Information 1840 lists Andrew as a free white male, age group 30-40 (01429). 1850 lists Andrew as age 48, farmer, and born in Pennsylvania (01424). Andrew Jr. and his wife apparently took up residence in Beech Creek between 1820 and 1830 (00853:108), which would make sense considering their marriage in April of 1830. Whether either or both were residents of Beech Creek prior to their marriage in uncertain [see further research]. The family of Andrew Jr. and Barbara, excepting the two eldest and married daughters Martha Gunsallus and Elizabeth DeHaas, moved to the Bristol - Yorkville area of Illinois sometime after 1853. Mr. Harry Lingle has in his possession a letter that daughters Mary and Margaret wrote in 1857 from Illinois to his grandmother. (Letter from Mr. Lingle to Mrs. Charles Cyrus Linn) According to the Obituary of Margaret Linn (00838:11), the family moved in 1856. However, the death certificate of Andrew Jr. states that he had been a resident of Illinois for 33 years at the time of his death in 1887; therefore, the family probably came to Illinois in 1854, which is consistent with his being in Illinois in March of 1856 when his father's estate was settled (00838:16, 01200:3 & 4). __________________________OBITUARY - ANDREW LINN, JR. __________________________________(00838:11) August 17, 1887, Yorkville, Illinois. - Mr. Andrew Linn died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Wesche, on Wed. afternoon, August 17, aged 85 years and two months. Mr. Linn was born in Centre Co., Pa., June 17, 1802; he moved to this State about 30 years ago; buried his wife in 1861; Since then he had lived with his children. He had been a member of the Methodist Church for over 50 years, and was a humble follower of Christ. The six years that we have known him, he was always the same quiet, friendly old gentleman, and it was always a pleasure to meet him. He will be greatly missed by his daughter's family where he lived. They have the sympathy of their many friends. the funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. N.M. Stokes, of Yorkville, and he was taken to Plattville and laid beside his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Wesche wish to extend their thanks to their friends and neighbors for their kindness during their father's sickness and death. __________________________________ASSESSMENTS _____________________________(Source 00838:7 & 8) 1827 - Howard Township, Centre County listed: Single 1828 - Howard Township, Centre County listed: Single 1829 - Bald Eagle Township, Clinton County listed: Single man 1831 - Bald Eagle Township, Clinton County listed: Married 1846 - Howard Township, Centre County listed: nothing specific 1848 - Liberty Township, not listed probably by omission 1849 - Liberty Township, listed: a weaver __________________________Further Research Required Mr. Johnstonbaugh's 01409:4 indicates that both Andrew and Barbara were from Howard, Pennsylvania at the time of their marriage and references the Bellefonte Patriot of April 15, 1830. Probably this writer, Brian Linn, should obtain the referenced Bellefonte Patriot article to ascertain the specifics. Also, there is a conflict between the obituary of Andew Linn Jr. regarding the place of burial between source 01772 (death certificate) and source 00838:11 (obituary). The former lists Pavillion and the latter lists Plattville, which are about 6 to 8 miles apart.
Andrew Linn Jr. and Barbara Leathers had the following children:
Son 13 Linn(109). He was listed as a resident in the census report in Howard Township, Centre Co.,
PA, 1840.(110) ____________________Further
Research Required The 1840 census lists a free white male between the ages of 10 and 15. Presumably, this is the first son of Andrew and
Barbara Linn. However, sources 00836 and 00838 offer little support for the existence of this son. It should also be pointed out that this
child would have been born before the April 1830 marriage of Andrew and Barbara in order for him to have been included in the 10-15 age
group. Furthermore, only 13 and one-half months after her marriage, Barbara gave birth to Martha.
Martha Linn was born May 28, 1831.
Elizabeth Linn(111) was born in Beech
Creek, PA April 16, 1833.(112) Elizabeth
died of diseases incident to her age October 25, 1912 at the home of Mrs. Henry Johnston, her neice, in Blanchard, Centre Co., PA, at
79 years of age.(113) Her body was interred est
October 27, 1912 Disciple Cemetery.(114) She married Edward DeHaas Jr. December 25, 1856.(115) Edward was born circa 1834. Edward(116) was the son of Edward DeHaas and Ann Connor. Edward died March 14, 1901
at 66 years of age. His body was interred March 1901 in Blanchard, Centre Co., PA. He resided in Beech Creek, PA
August 1887.(117)
Edward and Elizabeth are listed as a new family to Beech Creek during the 1850s (00853:112), which is consistent with their marriage in the mid 1850s. Edward and Elizabeth had no children and he is buried in Disciple Cemetery (01409:7) __________________________For Additional Information See the Clinton Democrat of January 23, 1857, the Clinton Republican of March 18, 1901, the Renovo Record of March 22, 1901 and the Clinton Republican of October 30, 1912 (01409:7) _________________________Additional Research Required Mr. Lingle notes in source 00838 that he was born on June 21st but that the specific year is unknown to him. It would be reasonable to assume that he was older than his wife; however, source 01409:6 indicates that he was born circa 1834.
She was listed as a resident in the census report in Howard Township, Centre Co., PA, 1840.(118) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co., PA, August 7, 1850.(119) She resided in Beech Creek, PA August 1887.(120) Her funeral was held October 27, 1912.(121) __________________Additional Census Information 1840 lists Elizabeth, free white female, age group 5-10 (01429). 1850 lists Elizabeth, age 17, born in Pennsylvania (01424). Edward and Elizabeth lived in Beech Creek and had no children (00838:62).
Joseph H. Linn was born September 7, 1835.
Mary W. Linn(122) was born in Beech
Creek, PA May 26, 1837.(123) She married twice.
She married John Harlevich.(124) (Additional notes for John Harlevich(125)) She married John Wesche after 1855.(126) (Additional notes for John Wesche(127)) He resided in Pavilion, Kendall Co., ILL August 1887.(128)
She was listed as a resident in the census report in Howard Township, Centre Co., PA, 1840.(129) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co., PA, August 7, 1850.(130) She resided in Pavilion, Kendall Co., ILL August 1887.(131) She resided in Yorkville, Kendall Co., Illinois October 25, 1912.(132) __________________Additional Census Information 1840 lists Mary, free white female, age group under 5 (01429). 1850 lists Mary, age 13, born in Pennsylvania (01424). Mary resided in Yorkville, Illinois in 1912 (01409:7). ____________________Further Research Required When the estate of Jacob Leathers Sr. (grandfather of Barbara Leathers Linn) was finally settled by Samuel B. Leathers in 1870, Mary Linn daughter of Barbara listed her first husband as John Harlvich and her second husband as a Witchey (00838:62 & 00836:3). However, source 00838:11 indicates Wesche. Brian Linn has a note to himself that stated per Mary Wesche's daughter (who's existence is not documented), the name was Weshce not Witchey; the reference on the note was source 00838 but the specific page has not been determined: something to look at! Source 01409:7 offers Weshes. Brian asked Mr. Glossner about the spelling of this Wesche name and he could not confirm the correct spelling (01773:1). SOLVED: Wesche per Mary's husband John in a court document prepared for the estate of Mary's father, Andrew (01777:2). In addition, Brian remembers Mr. Lingle saying that Mr. Harlvich had died, hence Mary's taking a second husband. This too, must be documented. It should be noted that the marriage dates for both of her marriages were entered to make clear which marriage occurred first; therefore, these dates need to be researched before they can be considered to be accurate information.
Margaret Linn was born March 16, 1839.
William T. Linn was born July 14, 1841.
John W. Linn was born December 1, 1843.
Sarah Jane Linn(133) was born in Beech
Creek, PA February 16, 1845.(134) Sarah
died February 21, 1851 at 6 years of age.(135) Her
body was interred After February 21, 1851 in Beech Creek, PA, Hays-Fearon.(136) She was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co.,
PA, August 7, 1850.(137) Additional census
information. 1850 lists Sarah as age 5, born in Pennsylvania (01424). She is buried in the Hayes-Fearon Cemetery and her tombstone lists
her age at passing as 6 years and 5 days (01409:7 & 00848: #7).
James Polk Linn(138) was born in
Centre Co., PA. February 14, 1847.(139)
James died January 30, 1851 at 3 years of age.(140)
His body was interred after January 30, 1851 in Beech Creek, PA, Hays-Fearon.(141) He was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co.,
PA, August 7, 1850.(142) Additional census
information. The 1850 census lists James as age 2, born in Pennsylvania (01424).
Nancy W. Linn(143) was born in Beech
Creek, PA December 15, 1849.(144) She married Charles Hilton Before August 1887.(145) (Additional notes for Charles Hilton(146)) He resided in Ypsilanti, Stutsman Co., North Dakota August 1887.(147)
She was listed as a resident in the census report in Liberty Township, Centre Co., PA, August 7, 1850.(148) She resided in Ypsilanti, Stutsman Co., North Dakota August 1887.(149) Additional census information: 1850 lists Nancy as age 10 months, born in Pennsylvania [see below] (01424). ________________Additional Research Required The 1850 census (01424) indicates that Nancy was 10 months of age at time of enumeration, translating to her birth being in October of 1849. However, source 00838:19 indicates that she was born in December of 1849. It must be determined which is correct. In addition, the given name of her husband is unknown (01409:7) but has been found in source 01777:5 as Charles. One source notes here middle name as Lill. (150)
Andrew Linn III was born April 7, 1851.
Susanna A. Linn(151) was born in
Centre Co., PA July 15, 1853.(152) Susanna
died August 2, 1853 at less than one year of age.(153)
Her body was interred August 1853 in Beech Creek, PA, Hays-Fearon.(154) Susanna is buried in the Hays-Fearon Cemetery and her tombstone reads "aged 2 weeks and 4
days" (00846 & 00848: #8).
Benjamin Franklin Linn was born September 18, 1854.
Robert Wright Linn was born October 8, 1858.
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