57. James Andrew3 Linn (Joseph Britton2, Andrew1)(627) was born September 1842. James died 1913 at 70 years of age. His body was interred in Blanchard, PA, Church of Christ.(628)
He married Harriet 'Hattie' Ferry.(629) Harriet was born January 1846. Harriet(630) was the daughter of Barney Ferry and Catherine McClain. Harriet died February 13, 1923 at 77 years of age.(631) Her body was interred in Blanchard, PA, Church of Christ.(632) According to an Oct 1899 issue of the Centre Democrat, Mrs. Jim Linn and daughter Lula of Beech Creek and grandson Donald of Johnsonburg visited in Romola. Donald was the eldest son of J. Brit and Carrie Linn. (00838:30) James and his wife are buried in the Christian Cemetery (00850). However, they are under the stone of Martha V. Linn (00764:2).
________________________________Conflict Sources 00947:6 and 01409:8 provideS datums inconsistent with 00836 & 00838. First, the birth date is listed as Jan 30, 1845. Second, the spelling of her maiden name is Fury. Third, a middle name of Matilda is given. For the sake of simplicity, Brian Linn has chosen not to incorporate these datums in the record. When and if each inconsistency is resolved, the respective resolution will be written to the record.
Jim Linn had James' military discharge papers framed and hanging on his wall for a long time (James' son now has them). Jim is certain that James was veteran of the Civil War and believes that James and Mills enlisted at the same time. (00764:2) James A. Linn is listed in the special census of Civil War veterans taken in 1890. The soldier's rank, branch, regiment & company, enlistment and discharge dates are noted. (00853:132) __________________________For Additional Information See the 1870 census, family #59 [probably for Beech Creek] and the 1880 Beech Creek census, family #62, which also lists Thomas Ferry age 42 as a brother in law.
James Andrew Linn and Harriet 'Hattie' Ferry had the following children:
Joseph Brittain4 Linn was born June 1866.
Lula A. Linn(633) was born in Beech
Creek, PA June 6, 1875. Lula died December 13, 1947 in Beeck Creek, R.D., PA, at 72 years of age. Her body was
interred in Blanchard, PA, Church of Christ.(634)
She married Cline Q. Confer May 26, 1923.(635) (Additional notes for Cline Q. Confer(636)) Cline died 1927.
Frank Miller of Chicago, accompanied by his wife, who were en route home on a motor trip to New York city, called here (Beech Creek, Pa)
yesterday for a short time to see Mr. Miller's cousin, Mrs. Lulu [see note] Linn Confer. Mr. Miller is a son of the late Harrison Miller
and wife, whose maiden name was Amanda Linn. Frank Miller owns the Buick agency in Chicago and has a daughter married to a son of the
president of the Buick Motor Car Company. (00838:60).
Lula Linn Confer is noted as having moved to Beech Creek between 1880 and 1900 (00853:116). The Reverend T.C. Horn married Cline to his
second wife, Lula. She died of pneumonia at the home of her nephew, James Linn, and her only survivors were two nephews and two step-sons,
Harry and Burton J. Confer of Beech Creek. (01409:16) She is buried in the Christian Cemetery under Martha V. Linn's stone (00764:2).
____________________________Of Note
Source 00838:60, an article in the Beech Creek News, spells her name as Lulu. All other sources (00838:30, 00764:2, 00853:116 and 01409:16)
indicate the correct spelling to be Lula. ____________________Further Research Required
Source 00838:30 indicates Lula's birth year as 1871 while source 01409:16 lists it as 1875. Because source 01409:16 has a more complete
record, 1875 has been used awaiting verification of the correct year.
Source 00838:30 indicates the spelling of her husbands name as Cline versus source 01409:16 which spells it Kline.
Martha V. 'Mattie' Linn was born June 7, 1879.
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