60. William 'Thomas'3 Linn (Joseph Britton2, Andrew1)(669) was born April 1849.
He married Mary C. Kane February 22, 1876.(670) Mary was born April 1855. Mary(671) was the daughter of Patrick Kane and Unknown Fitzpatrick. Mary died October 26, 1902 at 47 years of age. Her body was interred in Bellefonte, Centre Co., PA.(672)
Thomas W. and Mary C. Kane Linn were among numerous families listed as new to Beech Creek during the 1870s (00853:115). Thomas and Mary lived in double house at the corner of Harrison and Franklin streets in Beech Creek. Mary's obituary in Demo Watchman of Oct 31, 1902 says she was a Catholic and is buried in Bellefonte. Mary and Thomas were married by Joseph Nesbitt. (00838:33) Center Democrat of Oct 24, 1901 notes Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Wilson and daughter of Center Hall visited her parents Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Linn in Beech Creek Township. (00838:33) Another visit is mentioned in source 01409:9 where a reference is made to Thomas having a cousin from Kansas visit him (01409:9). __________________________For Additional Information See the Clinton Republican of October 29, 1902 (01409:9). __________________________Conflict/Research Required Source 00947:7 indicates a death date for Mary of Oct 27 which is in conflict with source 00838:33, which states October 26. Source 00947:7 indicates a birth date of April 3, 1848 while 00838:33 indicates April of 1849. This conflict needs to be resolved; perhaps census records could do just that. Also Mr. Jonhstonbaugh may have some source material for 00947 that could help. An additional note. Brian Linn believes that Thomas and Mary were probably born in Beech Creek; this also needs verification. This belief likely came from Brian's interaction with Harry Lingle. Was Thomas' initial T or was his first name Ely as in M.E. Recorder (this question appears not to make sense but more study is needed to determine the discrepancy). Marriage report listed him as W.T. Linn. (00838:33)
William 'Thomas' Linn and Mary C. Kane had the following children:
Gertrude Virginia4 Linn(673) was born circa 1877. Gertrude died July 29, 1973 at 96 years of age. She married Boyd B. Wilson April 6, 1899.(674) (Additional notes for Boyd B. Wilson(675))
Boyd was from Center Hall (00838:46) and had a brother named Harry Wilson who operated a clothing store in Lock Haven for many years
(00853:127). __________________________For Additional Information
See the Clinton Democrat of April 7, 1899 (01409:17).
Helen Linn(676) was born January 1886.
She married Harry Sweeley August 25, 1906.(677) (Additional notes for Harry Sweeley(678)) __________________________For Additional Information
See the Clinton Republican of August 29, 1906, weddings (00838:46).
Joseph Mason Linn was born January 1888.
Beatrice Linn(679) was born July 1891.
She married Earle Bittner 1910.(680) Earle(681) was the son of Charles Bittner and Lucy Unknown.
Beatrice graduated in Beech Creek, Clinton Co., PA, 1910. Institution: institution unknown.(682)
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