426. Herbert G.5 Linn (Joseph Brittain4, James Andrew3, Joseph Britton2, Andrew1)(2573) birth date unknown.
He married Irene Unknown.(2574) (Additional notes for Irene Unknown(2575))
He resides in Orlando, FL 1995. Herbert resided in Orlando, Florida in 1982 at the time of his brother Howard's death (00838:59). __________________________Further Research Desirable It would be helpful to ascertain the maiden name of Herbert's wife Irene.
Herbert G. Linn and Irene Unknown had the following children:
Jean6 Linn(2576). At some point, Jean lived in Detroit, Michigan (01409:34).
Herbet G. Linn Jr.(2577).
Herbet died May 24, 1947 in Houghton, Canada.
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