963. Melissa Kay8 Brooks (Linda Marie7 Linn, George Allison6, Lester Lenn5, George Allison4, Joseph A.3, Thomas2, Andrew1)(4052) was born in Carmel, Moneterey, California September 13, 1969.
She married Kevin Walter Huffman in Lake Tahoe, El Dorado Co., California, December 24, 1987.(4053) Kevin was born in Sacramento, Sacramento, California March 21, 1968. Kevin(4054) is the son of Ollie Walter Huffman and Mary Jane Rowe. Kevin's occupation: Auto Mechanic. Kevin was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints July 9, 1986. Temple Code: temple code unknown. He was endowed in Lange, September 13, 1990. Temple Code: temple code unknown. Kevin and Melissa Kay Brooks were sealed in Lange, September 13, 1990. Temple Code: temple code unknown. He resides in Lander, Fremont, Wyoming August 1996. Each child born to Kevin and Melissa is listed as sealed to parents BIC, Temple Lange (01374:9).
Melissa was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints August 3, 1977. Temple Code: temple code unknown. She was endowed in Lange, September 13, 1990. Temple Code: temple code unknown. Melissa and Kevin Walter Huffman were sealed in Lange, September 13, 1990. Temple Code: temple code unknown. She was sealed to her parents in Oakland, California, April 21, 1995. Temple Code: temple code unknown. She resides in Lander, Fremont, Wyoming June 1996. ___________________________Autobiographical Sketch _________________________________Source 01377 My name is Melissa Kay Huffman. I am the daughter of Rustico deLeon Tiapson and Linda Marie Linn Tiapson. I was born in Carmel, Monterey, California on 13 September 1969. Until November of 1995 I had spent my life in California. My childhood was spent in San Jose, Santa Clara, California; my teens in Willits, Mendacino, California and then seven years in Sonora, Tuolumne, California. I now live in Lander, Fremont, Wyoming with my husband, Kevin Walter Huffman and our three children - Amanda Kay, Joshua deLeon and Teresa Marie - who are five, three and one respectively. At the time I write this I am twenty-six years old. I am a Linn because my grandpa (or my papa, as I always called him) is George Allison Linn. We were close as a grandfather and granddaughter could ever be. From as far back as I can remember I saw Papa as a cross between John Wayne and Paul Bunyon. I knew he could do anything and would do anything for me. I remember being eight years old and coming home with my first contact lens. It was an exciting event turned traumatic when I couldn't get the darn thing out that night. I tried and tried until, utterly discouraged, I gave up. Everyone wanted to help me but this was all so new that the grown-ups around me were pretty squeamish. So Papa said he'd do it. Now, I know that the last thing this giant of a carpenter wanted to do was peel a contact lens off my weeping eye, but his little "Missy" was starting to suffer. So he rolled up his sleeves, washed his hands and came my way, probably shaking inside. Funny thing is, when I saw those Paul Bunyon fingers of his coming for my eye, I had a whole new burst of courage and whipped that lens out myself lickety-split! But the point is, he was always there for me. I was still unashamedly holding his hand in public as a teenager. I imagine I'd do the same today if he were here. The night before my last child was born I held his hand again, in a dream. I was scheduled for a ceserean early the next morning - my third ceserean. I was scared. Though supported by a loving husband and family I felt somewhat alone. I prayed for comfort and reassurance. That night I dreamed I was in surgery, and there beside me, holding my hand was my Papa. I forgot about my fear as I held that big, brown carpenter's hand. I had always forgotten my fears as I held that beloved hand. Today, I am in love with my husband of nearly ten years. We were married 24 December 1987 on a beautiful Christmas Eve that would have been my Papa's and Grandma's 50th wedding anniversary. I think this is fitting because Kevin and I are building a marriage that will see its golden year. Our children light up our life. They make us old and keep us young. They've taught us everything we know and they're not finished yet! Besides devoting my time to home and family, I love to read, try new recipes, sing, take pictures, keep a journal, go for walks and write an occasional poem. I have a passion for music, especially classical and inspirational. And someday I will learn to play the piano! If there is anything that defines my life and gives me direction, it is that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This is why I care so much for God and family. This intensifies my already deep pride in being a Linn.
Melissa Kay Brooks and Kevin Walter Huffman had the following children:
Amanda Kay9 Huffman(4055) was born in Sonora, Tuolumn, California May 24, 1991.
Amanda had the chance to spend the summer with her grandparents Tiapson in 1997. Picnics, outings and swimming lessons were all in order. Her Grandma Tiapson noted that she loves books so a lot of time was spent in the library. Linda noted in a letter to Brian that by the end of the summer "she's getting a anxious to go home and start first grade. She talks about it a lot and is helping plan our [Rusty, Linda, Amanda] trip." Linda also noted that just to be on the reliable side, she and Rusty had purchased a year old 1996 Ford Taurus. (4056)
Joshua deLeon Huffman(4057) was
born in Sonora, Tuolumne, California March 24, 1993.
Teresa Marie Huffman(4058) was born
in Sonora, Tuolumne, California May 1, 1995.
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