537. Harriet Louise6 Stedman (Nellie5 Allen, Henrietta Isabell "Bell"4 Linn, John C.3, Thomas2, Andrew1) was born May 31, 1912.(2877) Harriet died February 7, 1981 in Kankakee, Kankakee Co., IL, at 68 years of age.(2878) Her body was interred in Piper City, Ford Co., IL, Brenton Cemetery.(2879)
She married Donald Lou Peterson Janaury 11, 1936.(2880) Donald was born September 22.(2881) Donald is the son of Lewie Peterson and Mable Sargeant.
Harriet Louise Stedman and Donald Lou Peterson had the following children:
James William7 Peterson was born December 25,
Barbara Joan Peterson was born May 9, 1938.
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