138. Wayne Earl4 Linn (Andrew3, Andrew2, Andrew1)(1163) was born in Osborne, Osborne Co., Kansas May 6, 1890. Wayne died August 11, 1952 at 62 years of age.
He married twice. He married Doris Hakes in Hotchkiss, Colo., 1918.(1164) (Additional notes for Doris Hakes(1165)) He married Susan Mary Flint October 22, 1927.(1166) (Additional notes for Susan Mary Flint(1167))
Further Research Required
Source 00838:22 indicates that his name was Vane while source 01763 indicates Wayne. Perhaps the latter source has a transcription error; however, the correct name must be determined.
Wayne Earl Linn and Doris Hakes had the following children:
Anna Ruth5 Linn(1168) was born July 20, 1920. Anna died July 20, 1920 at less than one year of age.
Earl Vane Linn(1169) was born in
Lazear, Colo. February 1922.
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