231. Harry L.4 Crispen (William T.3, Martha Catharine2 Linn, Andrew1)(1527) birth date unknown. His body was interred in Clinton Co., PA.
He married Charlotte Elizabeth Logan.(1528) (Additional notes for Charlotte Elizabeth Logan(1529)) Her body was interred in Clinton Co., PA. Harry and Charlotte resided in Mill Hall, Clinton Co., PA in 1901 and are buried in the Cedar Hill Cemetery (01409:18).
Harry L. Crispen and Charlotte Elizabeth Logan had the following children:
William David5 Crispen.
Harry Lester Crispen.
Stewart Crispen.
Thomas Clair Crispen(1530) was born
in Mill Hall, Clinton Co., PA March 6, 1894. Thomas died November 16, 1897 in Railroad Street, Mill Hall, Clinton Co.,
PA, at 3 years of age. His body was interred in Clinton Co., PA.
Thomas died of whooping cough and pneumonia and is buried in the Cedar Hill Cemetery (01409:28). ______________Further Research Required
Source 01409:28 indicates that he died at age 3 years, 8 months and 6 days; however, the number of days between the birthday of the 6th and
the deathday of the 16th is 10; therefore, either or both of the days is incorrect. The birth year and month are consistent with the death
year and month.
Warren C. Crispen was born May 5, 1899.
Ruth Crispen(1531) was born in Mill
Hall, PA July 1, 1903. She married twice. She married Ralph Simpson Ferree April 11, 1924.(1532) Ralph(1533) was the son of Benjamin Ferree and Mae Walizer. She
married Dewey Danis September 3, 1955.(1534)
(Additional notes for Dewey Danis(1535)) According to
source 01409:28, she had no children by either husband.
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